Mock Parts
It can be hard to visualize and measure items such as extrusions and plates given how complex and intricate printer construction can be. A great approach to building your printer would be to build it 'virtually' in a modeling environment like Fusion 3D. In addition, the parts in this printer system are plainly design so that they can be easily modified for new components or different setups. While you can import all of the parts designed for the system that doesn't help you calculate how long your extrusions should be or where a stepper motor might intefere with a tool mount.
In this section you'll find a set of 'mock' parts that are visually and dimensionally similar to the actual purchased part. These files are a 'step' designed to be imported and manipulated vs 'stl' designed for 3D printing. All of the screenshots on the prior pages used these models in the 'virtual construction' and display of that faux printer. The files themselves can be found here.
Extrusions and Rails:
- 2020 Extrusion Profile - A small section of 2020 extrusion that can be oriented and extruded in your modeler.
- 2040 Extrusion Profile - A small section of 2040 extrusion that can be oriented and extruded in your modeler.
- MGN12H Linear Rail - Small section of MGN12 rail with a MGN12H block. The rail can be oriented and extruded in your modeler.
- 2020 Corner - Small 2020 corner. These generally require two short M5 bolts (8mm or less) and boat nuts.
- 2040 Corner - Larger 20mm x 40mm corner. These generally require four normal M4 bolts (10-12mm) and boat nuts.
Control Boards and Pis
- SKR 1.4 Board - simple mock of the SKR 1.4
- MKS 1.4 Board - simple mock of the MKS 1.4L
- BTT Octopus - simple mock of the Octopus control board
- Pi 4 - simple mock of the Raspberry Pi 4B
- Pi 3B - simple mock of the Raspberry Pi 3B
- Pi Zero 2w - simple mock of the Raspberry Pi Zero 2w
- Mock Budget LCD - simple mock of the RepRap budget LCD
Bearings, Clamps, Magnets, Stepper
- Countersunk Magnet - 'cup' magnets used for triple-Z gantry
- 8mm Linear Rod Shaft Support - clamps for 8mm smooth rods
- LMF8UU Bearing - Circular bearing used to keep carriage in alignment with an 8mm smooth rod.
- 8mm Pillow Bearing - Mounts for 8mm threaded rods
- T8 Lead Screw Nut - Circular nut that used for position along an 8mm threaded rod.
- GT2 6mm Toothless Pulley - used for positioning, tensioning, and redirecting 6mm GT2 belts.
- GT2 Timing 5mm - 20 tooth timing pulley with a 5mm bore for 6mm GT2 belts.
- GT2 Timing 8mm - 20 tooth timing pulley with an 8mm bore for 6mm GT2 belts.
- NEMA 17 Stepper - simple mock of a standard size 42n NEMA 17 stepper motor.
Extruders, Hotends, Sensors
- E3D V6 - this is the standard cylindrical radiator with standard heater block.
- Titan Extruder - E3D Titan with the E3D V6 radiator and heater block attached.
- BL Touch v2 - BLTouch w/ pin extension. Note that clone touches may be slightly different dimensions.
- Small Endstop - the smallest physical switch endstop.
Full Showcase
The 'Showcase' model represents a complete printer build (minus fasteners). It may be a good starting point for your design.